Well done to 3GC for winning the classroom door decorating competition and to all the classes who brightened up the week with their colourful designs. Some are shown below.
Poetry Recitation Finals
Winners of the Lower School Poetry Finals
Year 3
First Place: Evie 3GC
Second Place: Maxi 3NH
Third Place: Robin 3GC
Year 4
First Place: Zachary 4LG
Second Place: Vivek 4EP
Third Place: Fliss 4EP
Year 5
First Place: Ava 5JD and Mirella 5TW
Second Place: Charlie 5TB
Third Place: Rafi 5TB
Well done to all the finalists. You were all amazing! The delivery of your poems showed your understanding of what the poem was about. You spoke so clearly, with great expression, tone and confidence. There was a super selection of poetry choices, including different genres and styles. Thank you for such an entertaining morning.
Book Character Dress-up
Winners of the Book Character Dressing up Competition
Year 3
1st – Millie 3GC – Mrs Fox
2nd Asad 3RA – Captain Haddock
3rd Sonny 3NH – Esio Trot
Highly commended
Amelie 3RA – Maleficent, Jacob 3AD – Uncle Grandpa
Year 4
1st – Alicia 4NC – Astrid
2nd Noah 4LG – Beck
3rd Serafina 4LG- Awful Auntie
Highly commended
– Artin 4EP – Dr Who, Leah 4SP- Cruella de Vil, Katy O – Gangsta Granny, Sofia D 4SP – Maleficent
Year 5
1st – Lucy 5TB – Arabella’s Raven Mortimer
2nd Charlie 5TB- Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
3rd Iris 5TW – Josephine March
Highly commended
-Rohan M 5TW- Christopher Robin, Daniel B 5SB- Capt. Underpants, Ayomide 5JD-Robin H, Mirella 5TW- Indian in the Cupboard.
Staff Winner – Mrs Bridge as Medusa
It was wonderful to see all of Lower School dressed up for the day and despite being inside for the parade lots of fun was had. Thank you to all the parents who put such effort into the costumes. The children looked amazing and it was great fun guessing who everyone was.
House Book Quiz
Drum roll …..The results are in! In a closely fought competition, the Jutes won with 71 points.
Joint second were the Saxons and Angles with 69 points, closely followed by the Danes with 68 points.
Well done to all. Everyone in Lower School participated. Special mention to the Year 5 Saxons who scored the highest year group score with 29 out of 38.
Where’s Wally?
Special mention to Thomas 4SP, Matthew 4SP and Tim 4EP who were the fastest at finding the ten Wallys hidden around the school!
Lower School Book Factor
This year a number of Lower School pupils visited the library on Wednesday lunchtime, eager to share their favourite reads with the audience and the panel of judges. Pupils spoke with passion and insight into a variety of different titles, ranging from comedy to drama and adventure, even including some philosophy! Winners will be announced in Assembly on Monday, but all pupils who entered will earn a Commend for their House.
Well done to all of this year’s contestants – for anyone interested, the list of recommended reads can be found attached to this week’s Bulletin.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in this week, both Staff and pupils. I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your reading! Remember, in the wise words of Doctor Seuss, “The more you read, the more you know, the more you know, the more places you’ll go!”
Mrs Hunt (Librarian) and Mrs Pendred (Lower School English Co-Ordinator)