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Mill Hill Pupils’ Top Tips for Wellbeing

When normal channels of recreation have dried up (holidays abroad; relaxing with friends; visiting family; going shopping; playing team sports or going to the gym), we need to dig deep and find new ones. Her Majesty the Queen has reassured us that ‘we’ll meet again’, but when? And what do we do in the meantime?

One feature of our new reality is an overwhelming chorus of well-intentioned advice about what to do with all of this bonus time, albeit that the space within which we are at liberty to use it without fear of arrest is limited to our own homes – apart from a daily exercise dash or a trip out for essential provisions.

The Pupil Voice speaks loud and clear at Mill Hill, and is always listened to, so rather than offering a list of teachers’ tips, we are pleased to share with you the advice of our pupils on how to keep well, stay busy and be happy, collated by Miss Boyle, Assistant Head (Pupil Development and Wellbeing):

  • Make a structured plan for each day, every day, with some achievable goals. Cross these off as you go and you will feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
  • Share book recommendations with each other and try reading from the page or listening to an audio book rather than staring at that screen.
  • Leave at least one positive post on Instagram each day: share positivity!
  • Build some exercise and fresh air into your daily routine; whether you walk, run or sashay you’ll be keeping your cardiovascular system in good order and buzzing with endorphins.
  • Keep in touch with the Mill Hill Magic; watch the videos of whole-school and House assemblies, follow @Millhillsenior and post your comments, join in with the workout videos.
  • Try a positivity app: Motivation; Headspace; MeeTwo; Calm; Down Dog; Nike Training/Run Club; Daylio Journal; Darebee; Duolingo

Personal wellbeing has now, in a shockingly literal sense, become the world’s number one priority. Planes are grounded, borders are closed and almost two billion people are in lock-down. We encourage Millhillians, and all who read this, to take special care of the two most precious things in the world: yourselves and those around you.