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Our Belmont Community: Meet Our Staff

Sports Graduate Assistants: Miss Galligan, Mr Ashby and Mr Chadha.

Meet our new Sports Graduate Assistants, Miss Galligan, Mr Ashby and Mr Chadha.

These three help out with all things Games and Sports across the school.

Miss Galligan will also be assisting in the Music department, and Mr Chadha will be helping in Learning Support.

We spoke to them about what they are most looking forward to about working at Belmont this year and to find out a little bit more about them!

Miss Galligan

What were you doing before you joined Belmont?

I finished my degree in Sports Management and Marketing alongside playing rugby for Saracens.

Describe Belmont in three words.

Friendly, encouraging, opportunities.

What are you most looking forward to about working at Belmont this year?

Developing different skills in a fantastic working environment.

Something you didn’t know about me is…

I spent 10 years in a musical theatre school!

Mr Ashby

What were you doing before you joined Belmont?

I worked as a cricket coach for Berkshire and Middlesex County.

Describe Belmont in three words.

Friendly, welcoming, driven.

What are you most looking forward to about working at Belmont this year?

Seeing the pupils develop through my lessons.

Something you didn’t know about me is…

I was born and raised in England, I’m half Zimbabwean and I have an Australian passport!

Mr Chadha

What were you doing before you joined Belmont?

I was finishing my degree in Sports Management.

Describe Belmont in three words. 

Nostalgic, open, versatile.

What are you most looking forward to about working at Belmont this year?

Working in the place that I went to school!

Something you didn’t know about me is…

I almost became a child actor…..