Miss Chrisostomou teaches Year 3 at Belmont. She joined Grimsdell in Year 1, came all the way through the Foundation and has now re-joined Belmont as a teacher!
‘I teach Year 3 now, but I have been through the whole foundation, and so have my brother and sister – I’ve spent the majority of my life here.
After I finished my A Levels I completed my Psychology degree and then my PGCE. I worked at St Michael’s School in Highgate for a year, but as soon as I saw a job come up at Belmont I applied!
I was at Belmont from 2000-2006, and I have had a really positive experience here. So I know what the pupils are going through.’
What is your favourite subject to teach?
‘I love teaching Science – it’s so much fun! I love doing all the exciting experiments with the children.’
Something you didn’t know about me is….
’My Grandma made the Danes banner that we use today! She made it when I was at Belmont.’ Here it is pictured above.
Describe Belmont in three words.
’Happy, busy, nurturing.’
My favourite thing about Belmont is….
’I love the community spirit here, it feels like one big family and I am definitely part of the furniture.’