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Remembrance Day 2020: Laying the Slate Poppies

To mark Remembrance Day 2020, each and every Fourth Form pupil, as well as GCSE and A Level artists and over 20 members of staff, painted a slate tile in the Art department last week to contribute towards our Remembrance Ceremony. 

All sorts of art projects went on during this year’s first lockdown; these two rows of slate in our Chapel Garden represent everyone in isolation coming together in a display of togetherness. 

Some people have painted a traditional poppy and some have painted a flowers of significance to them. In this extraordinary year we aim to not only remember those fallen in the World Wars but also to commemorate those we have loved and lost in other circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

The result is a wash of colour to bring us all a smile behind our masks. 

Click through the album above to see photos of the slates being laid during the ceremony, led by our Chaplain Reverend Dr Richard Warden.

We are so grateful to our Art technician Mr Lockwood who washed, broke and varnished each and every tile! And to our Upper Sixth artists who painstakingly planted each tile; Nicolas J, Veronica M, Finley R, Roma G, Sophia Pt, Sophia Ps, Laura M and Lucas T.  

You can watch the recording of the slate laying ceremony, here.  

You can also watch the recording of the Chapel service that followed, here.