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This Week in Reception…

Continuing with the book Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, the children have been busy building homes for owls and a selection of other woodland creatures in the construction area this week.  We made bird feeders out of Cheerios.  We went on a phonics hunt for the missing ‘oos’ to make some ‘oo’ words.  And in recognition of Anti-Bullying Week the children all decorated their own pairs of socks.

Through our PSHEE circle time we are covering RSE by talking about how to be a kind friend and promoting healthy relationships. This week we took it in turns to say kind things and not so kind things to two different apples.  The children then had a very visual representation when we cut the apples open.  They were amazed to see that one apple was all bruised inside (we had hurt its feelings).

Next week we will be reinforcing this message by sharing the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon and thinking about how we would be kind friends for him if he arrived on Earth.