Firstly we would like to say a huge thank you for all your kind donations of bulbs, soil and more. The children really enjoyed the process of learning about the parts of the bulb, which way up to plant them and why. Digging the holes, carefully placing the bulbs snuggly in the hole, covering them up and watering them. Spring should be very colourful this year.
This week we have been reading the book ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. Each day the children found a stick man hiding in a different place around our grounds. We fed him some biscuits and magically the next day he had grown.
The children have also loved helping us solve a couple of minor disputes in school. Mrs Jenner and Miss Deamer had a ‘fight’ about who was tallest. Luckily the Reception children were on hand to help us solve the problem. Then Batman and Superman had a ‘disagreement’ about who was the tallest amongst all the superheroes and again the Reception children came to the rescue.