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A Fond Farewell to Freddie

After 50 years of warmth, laughter and smiles it is with a heavy heart that today we wish goodbye, and happy retirement to Freddie, who has been a part of the Mill Hill School Foundation family since 1970.

Freddie worked in a school in Edgeware, before joining us as part of the Mill Hill catering team in 1970. He has been here ever since and has seen countless numbers staff and pupils pass through the school. He will be sorely missed by everyone across The Foundation.

Today, on his last day at Mill Hill, Freddie was presented with gifts from the school and Mill Hill Alumni, including this portrait (pictured above) which was commissioned and gifted by the Old Millhillians Club and will hang at at school. Freddie also has his own copy of the portrait.

The Mill Hill School CCF also presented Freddie with a very special Corps of Drums to say goodbye and thank you, and they gave him a CCF hat to keep (which he is pictured wearing above.)

From generations of Mill Hill staff, pupils and parents, we’d like to thank Freddie for his fifty years of service and wish him all the best in his retirement.

How has the school changed during your fifty years here?

Well, I’ve worked under seven headteachers actually! When I first started it was a boys school and there were no female teachers at all – it is definitely a different place now, they bring a different atmosphere to the school. 

It’s been great meeting so many new teachers and pupils during my time here and watching them all come and go and grow up – everyone here is wonderful.’ 

Do you have any highlights of your time at Mill Hill?

‘I always love Foundation Day every year – it is a very special celebration and it is so nice to see all of the pupils from across The Foundation, along with parents, staff old and new and Old MillHillians coming back to see us. A lot of old pupils now have children of their own in the school!’ 

Can you sum up your time at Mill Hill for us?

I have absolutely loved my time here! It is a truly wonderful and special place. Everyone is very supportive and the people are so kind – I love walking around the school and going to the staff common room and talking to everyone – teachers, pupils, staff…everyone!’ 

The Mill Hill 2018/2019 Annual Review featured a ‘Focus On’ interview with Freddie, which you can read here.