This week’s Book of the Week has been suggested by Joshua, Y4. Year 4 were asked to write a blog post to recommend a really brilliant book: you can read his entry below. Joshua has chosen a book which came out earlier this year, written by the brilliant authors behind the Sam Wu Is Not Afraid… series.
‘Do you want to read a book full of dragons, caves and a mountain? If so, read ‘Dragon Mountain’ by Katie and Kevin Tsang: I would recommend this to Year 4 and Year 5.
Hi there campers I am Joshua. I am here to tell you a secret about dragons and mountains. If you like dragons, mountains and caves this is a the book for you because it has all of this good stuff for you. There are four main characters Billy, Dylan, Charlotte and Ling-fei. Billy is the boss, he is really kind – 10/10. Dylan is the smartest – 9/10. Charlotte is also kind – 10/10. Ling-fei is the scared one but then she faces her fears – 9/10. I think that campers would like this because they can try to spot things like tents and campfires next time they are camping.
There are four main dragons Spark, Xing, Tank and Buttons. Spark is the biggest of all of them, she is also the only girl in the gang and has beautiful horns. Xing is the only dragon in the gang that looks like a snake, and is also the only one that has whiskers in the gang and also the only one not to have wings. He also only has two arms and no legs and has beautiful horns. Tank is the smallest dragon and has the smallest wings. Buttons is the scariest dragon because he can breathe fire and is only red, also Buttons breathes toxic ashes.
You are going to LOVE the part when the cave suddenly moves!
This book is a 9/10.’
If you would like to reserve this exciting book from the Library, just click here to reserve, after logging in with your Belmont username. (And if you’ve read this one already, you will be pleased to know that the sequel comes out in March!)
Mrs Hunt, Librarian