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This Week in Year 1…

This week in Year One, the children learned what imperative (bossy) verbs are and how to use them in a command as well as in instructions.

They used the jam that they made last week to make their own jam sandwiches and then wrote a set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.

We re-visited the story of Little Red Riding Hood and identified some exclamations that she said when she first saw her Granny (the wolf) in bed – “What big eyes you have!”

The children then attempted writing their own exclamations and thought of other exclamations Little Red Riding Hood could have said to her Granny (the wolf).

In PSHE, we considered the danger that Little Red Riding Hood put herself and her Granny in and what she could have done differently. We discussed the issue of ‘stranger danger’ and how to identify safe strangers who are in uniform.

We also considered the question: ‘What would you do if you were lost and couldn’t find a safe stranger to help you?’