Year 4 Virtual Author Visit – Josh Lacey
This week, Year 4 were lucky enough to be visited by “the one and only” (thank you Taylan!) Josh Lacey.
Josh has written several popular series of books including The Dragonsitter and A Dog called Grk, as well as his latest series about a young eco-warrior: ‘Hope Jones.
Poppy said she liked the sound of Hope Jones because it sounds inspiring and is about climate change. Sonny thought he would like to read A Dog called Grk because it looked short and funny!
We asked Josh lots of questions about his writing, career and inspiration. We found out his favourite books to read as a child included Danny the Champion of the World, Tintin in Tibet and The Silver Sword.
Alistair noted that Josh said if you are enjoying the first few pages of a book, keep going but if you find a book boring stop reading and choose another one as there are loads of great books out there to discover!
The pupils really enjoyed having the chance to ask lots of questions, with 4TB even taking notes as Josh spoke!
It was lovely to have an author visit us again, even if it was virtually, and we thank Josh for his giving us such an entertaining and informative afternoon.
If you’d like to borrow any of his books from the Library, just click here and use the search bar. but if you don’t want to wait until the New Year, perhaps you could add them to your Christmas list!
Mrs Pendred (Lower School English Co-ordinator) and Mrs Hunt (Librarian)