Now, more than ever, the benefits of getting out into the fresh air for both our Physical and Mental wellbeing is of great importance. Over the last few weeks, various areas of the school have come together to create The Mill Hill Active Challenge.
The Challenge aims to encourage you all to get away from your screens and to either walk or run outdoors each day whilst following government guidelines.
Every bout of exercise completed will accumulate miles towards one of four differentiated goals that you will personally choose from. You will be able to track your progress along the way using the Strava app, more information to come next week. Each goal completed will contribute towards the inter-house competition.
As an added incentive, there will also be the option to fundraise for our two chosen charities, Young Minds and The Trussel Trust.
By embracing this either as a personal or family challenge, we will be working collectively as a school community, raising one another’s spirits & awareness of the dimensions of wellbeing that contribute towards a happy and healthy life.