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This Week in Year 2…

We whizzed, banged, exploded and ignited into our week in Year 2! Science Week was a huge success and consisted of – listening to the scientific professions of various Grimsdell parents; learning about chemical engineering from Professor Gale; performing a ‘carbon capture’ experiment, a ‘mad scientist’ workshop, making sleds and Husky robots, plus much more. The children were engrossed in Science, its effect on our world and enjoyed predicting, evaluating and concluding!

In Paws b, we finished Lesson 10 – Stepping Back. We discussed how our storytelling mind can feed our ‘snowball’ of worrying. We used a hot cross bun to help us to focus on our thoughts, feelings, body sensations and our actions. We linked this to Science week by using our senses to feel, see, taste, smell and hear hot cross buns! Yummy! Happy Easter everyone!