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Book of the Week and Author of the Week!

The Grimsdell Children’s Library Book of the Week has been selected by one of our new Junior Librarians, Frederick from 2RM. He recommends a book that he has written and  illustrated himself: ‘Cloudman.’

”This book is a great adventure and I know because I wrote it!”

We hope you agree! This fiction book is available to borrow from our school library.

Mrs Harvey would also recommend this book. The graphic genre of a comic book is popular amongst the Grimsdell children. Dave Pilkey has inspired Frederick to create his own adventure comic book.

Comic books play a key role in motivating some children to read – they are drawn by the vivid pictures and enjoy the format of this genre which is different to the traditional form of book.

Comic books encourage children to develop their skills of inference, an important component of successful comprehension and a valuable life skill for all children to develop. Comic books can increase inference in children by encouraging them to ‘read between the lines’ and infer meaning from the images.

Children who read this genre of book often need to infer what is not written by the narrator, which is a complex reading strategy. Comic books also help children become familiar with sequencing and understanding succinct language.

When many people think of comic books, they probably do not take into account the repository of words used on every page or the opportunity they offer to strengthen vocabulary skills. Comic books give children a unique opportunity to acquire new vocabulary in combination with context clues, that is, information from picture to help children decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Children’s Author of the Week

This term, the Junior Librarians have been given the task of nominating a children’s author which they think would appeal to the entire Grimsdell community. It is a tricky task, choosing an author suitable for children aged 3-7. Nevertheless, Huda and Frederick have made great choices!

Huda nominates the author and illustrator Mini Grey as she enjoyed exploring this author’s stories during her remote learning library sessions.

Frederick selected the author and illustrator, Nick Sharratt. His stories are full of fun and even a little bit of intrigue …

I know that both of these authors will have wide appeal.

The books from these authors are already being taken from the display stand which the librarians have created

Author of the Week

I am delighted to announce that our Author of the Week is Jake (one of our very first Junior Librarians this year) from 2AM.

Jake has written a non-fiction book entitled ‘Balto The Wonder Dog’ which explores the life and work of the herioc dog, Balto who brought vital medicine to a distant community. Jake’s careful research has reulted in a very readable treatise on the subject and the book benefits from carefully selected pictures. I know that it will prove to be a very popular read!

Happy Reading!

Mrs Harvey