Year 1 have embarked on a new topic this week for the Summer Term, Konnichiwa Japan!
The children have already immersed themselves into aspects of the Japanese culture, with origami, Japanese dolls and various traditional foods.
So far the focus has been all about Japan’s vibrant capital city of Tokyo. In literacy, the children read and used their reasoning skills to sort newly learnt facts and wrote information about Tokyo.
In Task Time children used their senses to discover Japanese smells and tastes and even made sushi.
Children attempted to learn the challenging skill of using chopsticks to move objects, testing their fine motor skills.
In Forest School children were introduced to the Japanese concept of ‘Forest Bathing’, or shinrin-yoku. Shinrin in Japanese means “forest”, and yoku means “bath”. So shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere, or taking in the forest through our senses.
Year 1 excitedly began swimming on Friday. A reminder for parents to please label everything in their swim kit and for children with long hair, for it to please be tied up neatly for ease of fitting their swimming cap.