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This Week in Year 2

The children arrived in school this week to see that the environment had changed and the classrooms were entirely decorated to complement our theme – Konnichiwa Japan! They were thrilled with the transformation and we took time to write about our first impressions of the classroom.

“When I took the first step in, I thought the classroom was fabulous! I absolutely loved the origami cranes. They were mind blowing!” Evie

“When I gazed at the beautiful flowers, colourful fans and origami, it made me wonder what was going on. Interest crept over me, closer and closer and my favourite bit was the fine pictures stuck on the walls. It was amazing!” Lianne

Some of the children took their own pictures of their Japan themed classrooms whilst others were captured exploring all of the amazing resources and displays.

A special basket was found in each classroom with a recorded message from Mimiko and Kenta asking us to find out about their life in Tokyo by reading their book titled “I live in Tokyo” by Mari Takabayashi. The basket contained numerous resources such as origami cranes, a tea set, chop sticks, kimono and many more items which sparked the children’s interest. They used their inference skills to deduce what the items were and what they are used for.

In ‘Paws b’ this week we started lesson eleven, Growing Happiness – choosing to nurture ourselves and others.

We discussed the importance of being kind to ourselves first and thought about how we feel happiness in our bodies. We watched this You Tube film of the Minions dancing to Pharrell Williams song ‘Happy’ and it certainly got our toes tapping and bodies dancing. Most of the children instantly smiled as it started playing and continued as we played the song.

We finished our session by getting into our bubbles and choosing our own practice. Some children chose to do finger breathing, tummy and chest or petal meditations.