What a fantastic week and half term we have had in Nursery.
On Monday the children enjoyed learning the new sounds ‘h’ and ‘b’, they decorated their sounds cards using bricks and hot colours. After learning all about the characters that are linked to handwriting: Georgia the pig, Harriet the cow and Rupert the sheep. The children sorted the sounds we had learnt so far to the characters.
The children have continued to love looking at under the sea creatures and played a counting game using big dice and shells. We discussed more and less and encouraged the children to subitize when reading the dice. We also created an under the sea paper plate collage where the children added sand, fish, pipe cleaners and sequins to create their very own under water scene.
The children have still loved the party/DJ area this week. We added a twister style game on the floor, some balloons and resources so the children could play pass the parcel.
We also learnt all about karaoke. The children loved singing along to music as a whole class, in small groups and individually using microphones.
Today in Forest School the children had to work together to transport water. This was a great activity to develop teamwork as they had to work together or the water couldn’t be moved from one spot to the other. They did a great job at communicating and listening to each other.