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This Week in Reception!

What a fantastic week we have had to end the half term!

This week we have been focusing on ‘Team building’ and working together. To begin our circle time the children were challenged to work as a team to lower a hula hoop to the ground in a group of three. The children soon discovered the best strategy was to lower the hoop at the same time and it was important to talk to one another to ensure this was done correctly.  In the classroom we have been encouraging the children to work together to build models and have been building dens in the outdoor cabin area.

We have been so impressed with the children learning 3D shapes. They have loved learning the properties of 3D shapes and the correct terminology. The children have been using the shapes to create a stacking tower, a Japanese skyline and going on a 3D shape hunt around the school.

On Friday the children took part in ‘Outdoor Classroom day’ which this year had a literacy focus. We used the amazing outdoor environment of Grimsdell and Mill Hill to take their literacy further with the support of technology. The children used the program ‘Chatterpix’ on the iPads to film a tree speaking aloud, re-told stories using microphones, and created charters on story stones. We had such an amazing day completing all of the literacy challenges outdoors.