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This Week in Year 2!

Year 2 have had a terrific week and we began by reading ‘The Sound of Silence’ by Katrina Goldsaito. It is a beautiful story which was very thought provoking. The book talks about a little boy called Yoshio who tries to find ‘ma’ or silence. We used our inference skills to think about the story and in pairs we took time to answer questions about the book. Some of the questions included:

What sounds does Yoshio hear in Tokyo?

Why do you think the Koto player says the best sound is the sound of silence?

How does Yoshito find silence when he is reading a book?

We also asked the children where they would go to find ‘ma’ or silence and here are some of their replies:

LILY “In mindfulness lessons”

AMYIn a yoga room”

FRANCESCA “My secret hide out under my bed”

KITAN “In the loft because no one really goes there”

TALA “In the forest”

TARA “Where no one usually goes”