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Books of the Week: ‘The Runaway Dinner’ and ‘Victorian Britain’

This week we have a treat for you all, in the form of two Grimsdell Children’s Library Books of the Week. We have a fiction book, recommended  by one of our new Junior Librarians, Lara from 2YM. And a non-fiction book has been selected by Andreas from 2AM.

Firstly, Lara recommends a book written by one of our more classical children’s authors, Allan Ahlberg: The Runaway Dinner

“I chose this book because it is such a great adventure and a really funny story!”

We hope you agree! This fiction book is available to borrow from our school library.

Mrs Harvey would also recommend this book by Allan Ahlberg who is in the super league of children’s authors. Allan has published well over 100 children’s books and with his late wife, Janet, created such award winning picture books as Each Peach Pear Plum and The Jolly Postman. Both of these books were winners of the Kate Greenaway Medal.

Our Year 2 children are currently shadowing the Kate Greenaway Award and have the task of choosing which book in this year’s shortlist should be given this prestigious award. The book that wins the Kate Greenaway Medal should be a book that creates an outstanding reading experience through illustration. The whole work should provide pleasure from a stimulating and satisfying visual experience, which leaves a lasting impression. Illustrated work needs to be considered primarily in terms of its graphic elements, and where text exists, particular attention should be paid to the synergy between the two.

The Runaway Dinner is an energetic, fast paced, perfect read aloud book which mirrors the fast food chase of the storyline. Banjo sits down to eat his dinner of sausage, vegetables and chips, but before he can begin, his dinner runs away, along with the knife, fork, plate and his table and chair! Banjo and numerous other characters have to give chase …

This is a fantastic and hilarious story, from a well-loved author. It has colourful active pictures with many opportunities for predicting what will happen next, discovering little details and joining in. The changing style and size of font add another layer of meaning to the book. Enjoy!

Andreas enjoys historical non-fiction and has chosen Victorian Britain by Jeremy Smith, as his Book of the Week.

“This is a really interesting non-fiction book which tells you everything you need to know (and more!) about Victorian Britain.”

We hope you will take the opportunity to read Andreas’ choice, which is available to borrow from our school library.

Mrs Harvey would also recommend non-fiction books. Non-fiction books are a popular choice by many of our Grimsdell borrowers. I have written previously about the importance of non-fiction in the development a child’s literacy skills. Non-fiction underpins all other learning:  comprehending non-fiction is a life skill. The reading and sharing of non-fiction literature develops reading comprehension, builds background knowledge and develops analytical skills.

How do you encourage your child to read non-fiction if they are a reluctant non-fiction reader?  I often encourage children to pair their fiction book with a non-fiction text, as this can make their enjoyment and understanding of the fiction text much richer. Competent readers make meaning from a text not only by knowing what the words mean, but by bringing what they know of the world to the text. It’s worth noting that children are more likely to engage with a non-fiction text related to a story that they are emotionally invested in. Alternatively, go with your child’s interests. Whether it is dogs or princesses, find non-fiction books to match your child’s passions. Include ‘how to’ books such as Junk Modelling that teach them how create new and exciting items or try a science experiment book for all the budding scientists out there! We have a wide range of non-fiction books – I am sure there is something to tempt everyone!

Children’s Author of the Week

This term, the Junior Librarians have been given the task of nominating a children’s author which they think would appeal to the entire Grimsdell community. It is a tricky task, choosing an author suitable for children aged 3-7.

Lianne (from 2RM) and Andreas (2AM) have both thought of the same very funny and versatile author, David Walliams. David Walliams is well-known for writing very funny picture books and chapter books. His text is always accompanied by the illustrator, Tony Ross (of Horrid Henry fame).

Happy Reading!

Mrs Harvey