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This Week in Nursery!

What a busy week in Nursery!!

The children are really excited about their move up to Reception and we have been doing lots of group activities in the classes that they will be in next year.

On Monday we enjoyed learning our new sounds ‘w’ and ‘x’. The children decorated their sound cards using wool and white paint to look like an x ray.

This week our role play area turned into Superhero Headquarters, the children used this space to build up their fine motor control to become a stronger Superhero.   They wore capes and masks and we took some wonderful pictures of the children pretending to fight, showing us their Superhero poses and pretending to fly. They will use these pictures to tell a story about the Superhero and use some creative language.

The children were amazing on Wednesday in Sports day. They listened well, followed the instructions and were the fastest class in the school, obviously!

Today was fantastic!! The children had a great mix-up day where they got to meet their new Reception teachers and assistants. They got to experience lunch where they had fish fingers and chips as well as cake for dessert. They also got to visit the Reception forest school and were entertained by the wonderful Skittle Man. It was a tiring day but great fun for all the children.