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This Week in Year 2!

Firstly, let us just say how proud we are of all of Year 2 this week! We had an incredible sports day and they were awesome! We spotted wonderful team spirit, fabulous friendship and marvellous resilience throughout the morning. Well done Year 2! The celebrations continued with a delicious picnic lunch and a visit from Banana Man who entertained them all in the afternoon! What a brilliant day!

We have had a superb unit of Task Time and we thought it would be great to share some of our experiences with you. The children moved through a rotation of activities over 2 weeks and here is what was on offer:-

  • Making a robot on Purple Mash in the computer room
  • Learning and sorting Japanese numbers to 10
  • Guided reading – The Avatar, The Last Air bender
  • Japanese dancing
  • Learning and making origami
  • Tissue paper koi carp fish

Please have a look at the pictures of the fun and educational activities the children all completed.

In Topic this week, we have continued our learning around the book ‘The Great Wave’. We used descriptive words to write about what Naoki might find under the sea. We also wrote about his transformation and also that of the fish. We thought about how Naoki’s feelings had changed throughout the story and what he realised about himself. Then we created freeze frames of the story using our body language, and facial expressions to help translate what is happening in the picture. Next we listened to ‘La Mer’ by Debussy and thought about which instruments we could hear and how it made us feel. We created our own art work or musical composition inspired by the piece.