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This Week in Reception!

Reception have had a fantastic week with more Pokémon themed activities.  We have been making up stories with Pokémon, making Pokémon balls and even using Pokémon to help with our maths this week – learning about odd and even numbers.

We have been continuing to work on transition this week, focussing on what makes us special.  The children wrote down three things special to them that they would like their new teachers to know and some of them have chosen to make cards for their new teachers.  In phonics we have been recapping the diagraphs we have learnt over the year and learnt new cluster sounds ‘cl’ and ‘cr’.

We are sending home the digraphs we have taught this year and the rainbow words so you can revisit these over the summer in readiness for Year 1. We also had our final Forest School of the year as a whole year group together.  We were so lucky to make ice cream! We put all the ingredients in a bag and shook and shook it until it combined.  Then we chose strawberry or chocolate sauce to accompany it.  Science at forest school, how brilliant.