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Tokyo 2021 – The Opening Ceremony

Miss Goriup is here with the next instalment of our Olympic 2021 blog, all about the Opening Ceremony!

‘Only 16 Team GB athletes attended as many were competing the next day so it can be a long day and extra time on their feet if they go to the ceremony in person. We had a celebration for the two flag bearers, this is the 1st Olympics where a male and female athlete equally shared the flag-bearing job. 

The weather was great and we all spent time as a big team outside our accommodation block before sending the athletes off.

Marcus Mepstead was one of the athletes selected to represent the wider team at the ceremony! 

We all had an outfit designed by Ben Sherman to make us look smart for the occasion!’

Miss Goriup and Mr Browne’s time in Japan was featured in the September 2021 issue of The Independent Schools Magazine (page 37) here. 

Miss Goriup was also featured in Independent Education Today and Independent School Sport’s online news here.