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Success Outside of School!

Our pupils were all very busy over the summer holidays; taking part in musical competitions, raising money for charity and getting creative!

  • Over the summer Matilda in 4NH decided to raise money for a charity close to her family’s heart called ‘Back Up.’ This is a charity which helps people in the UK with spinal cord injuries. Together with her younger brother George and her friend Lilia in 4TB she organised a homemade lemonade stall outside her house on one of the (few!) sunny days we had this summer. Matilda is continuing her fundraising efforts to raise money for this charity with a ‘sponsored read’, well done Matilda! You can learn more about Back Up here.
  • Well done to Serafina (6WK) who won Silver in the Young Talent (age 10 and under) category for her piano, and Bronze in the Performance Grade III category for her violin at the London Young Musician Season 1 over the holidays – amazing achievement!
  • Leah (7AP) got creative and produced some beautiful freehand drawings over the holidays – well done Leah!