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This week in Year 2…

The Year 2 children arrived at school on Monday morning with big smiles and ready for another immersive week looking at our text ‘The Pea and the Princess’ by Mini Grey.

The children have had some amazing opportunities in their first Task Time unit. They have been painting themselves as Prince/Princesses, describing their attributes, making a silhouette stamps, learning the national anthem, reciprocal reading about a magic bus that flies over London and making a perfect cup of tea.

In English, we discussed the use of powerful verbs, personification, and questions to enhance the children’s writing.  The children used this knowledge to write their own storm poem from the story, they up levelled their work and the poems were stuck on beautifully created storm backgrounds. The children activated their creative flair and used a variety of materials to create their stunning artwork.

The children have been sending in a wonderful variety of ‘Take a Closer homework’ activities and creative masterpieces. It is wonderful seeing how proud they are! Thank you so much for supporting your children’s learning at home.