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This week in Nursery…

What a wonderfully chilly but fun week we have had in Nursery.

The children began the week by going on a listening walk around the school. We listened carefully by walking at voice level zero and used our words to describe what we had heard. We heard many things including Mrs Simon doing work in her office, children walking up and down the stairs, Mrs Hurst whistling and the telephone going off in the office. It was great to really think about exactly what we could hear and not what we thought we might be able to hear from what we could see.

We then also played a listening game as a class where the children had to guess what instruments I was playing underneath a blanket. They were fantastic at guessing the correct one.

The children have really enjoyed learning about the London landmarks and from our creative drawings last week we learnt more about Tower Bridge, as most of the children decided to draw this. We constructed bridges to go over our River Thames in class and watched some videos of Tower Bridge going up and down.

On Wednesday we were counting children on and off our bus. We started by doing this on a one to one basis at the table for our adult led activity then did the same activity as a whole class on the carpet. The children were wonderful at counting the children, explaining which group had more and understanding that there still was five altogether even if some of the children were off the bus.

Today the children had great fun taking part in all the activities for Chanukah day. The children created their own Menorahs in the week with clay and painted them today. They are all excited to share these with you next week once they are dry.