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This week in Year 1…

This week, Year One were introduced to a new story called ‘The Queen’s Knickers’. We compared this story to ‘The Queen’s Handbag’ and identified some of the similarities and differences. We then designed our own pair of knickers and thought carefully about their function and why we might need them.  We used a range of materials and considered why they would be helpful.  In Literacy, we learned how to use the connective ‘because’ to link our ideas together and explain our reasoning, and we also learned how to change singular nouns into the plural form by adding the –s and –es suffixes.

On Friday, the whole school celebrated the Jewish festival of Chanukah, the festival of light. We created menorahs out of clay and then painted and decorated them. We also learned how to play Dreidel which involved turn taking, collaboration, counting skills, as well as learning how to read the symbols on the Dreidel!