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This week in Year 2…

Year 2 had a marvellous surprise while they were on their way for a walk. They spotted something perched on the balcony outside 2HD’s window. It was a huge, orange egg with kind eyes and stripy socks! We could not believe it! Whilst we were talking about why it was there, the egg started talking and said ‘I might be big, but I’m only young.  I came up here because I wanted to fly, but now I am stuck.  Can you help me get back down?   Please remember I break easily.’ The children were so incredibly egg-cited and they could not wait to share their thoughts and ideas with us.

Once back in the classroom, we used our inference skills to find out about the egg on the balcony. We asked ourselves these questions:

  1. What did we see?
  2. Why is it there?
  3. Where did it come from?

Next, we thought about how we could answer these questions using full sentences and we took time to write our ideas using capital letters and full stops. Year 2 had so many of their own questions to ask the egg so we learnt about how to write questions; remembering to use words like which, where and why at the start of the question and to add a question mark at the end.

After reminding ourselves about what an adjective is, we wrote our own words to describe the egg. Some children completed this work on Seesaw while others chose paper to display their work.

Our focus for the end of the week was centered on a science experiment to test the strength of egg shells. We broke two eggs in half so we had four eggshells and the children had to predict how many books we could place on the eggshells until they broke. It was brilliant fun and I am sure the children would love to repeat this experiment at home if you happen to be using eggs for cooking.

In Art last week, Ms Wells delighted us with her talents as an art specialist to teach the children how to paint the sky at different times of day. They also drew birds and hot air balloons to add an artistic flair to their painting.

In Paws b this week, the students became the teachers! Last week the children were taught about eating a raisin mindfully by using our five senses. This week,  5 children were chosen from each class to teach the rest of the class the same activity. They did very well so perhaps ask them if they could teach you!