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This week in Nursery…

We started the week thinking all about numbers especially the number 100. The teachers in class had become very old over the weekend. The children thought this was very funny and enjoyed dressing up as well. We took part in a carousel of different number activities where we were counting along a number square to 100, painting 100 dots and printing 100 spots. The children also made a wonderful 100 crown and we talked all about the things we had learnt so far in the 100 days they had been in Nursery. We realised we had learnt an awful lot.

On Tuesday the children used all the ideas we had learnt from the author visit last week and told some of their own stories. We used pictures to help us think of ideas about how the story could be enhanced, the children loved this and thought it was so funny how we could change people or add different objects in to change the story. This is a great way of them developing their creativity and storytelling skills without needing to write.

On Wednesday we used the story of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ to play a game similar to snakes and ladders. The children were in small groups and practiced taking turns, counting on and showing good sportsmanship when they did or didn’t win.

Today the children had wonderful fun in Forest school. They are remembering all the rules, especially the fire circle rule so we are hoping they might be ready for a fire very soon. They created magic wands with sticks and decorated them whilst in forest school today. This meant that we had many witches and wizards turning all the teachers into frogs.