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Meet Mr Kyle

Meet Mr Kyle, Director of Musical Performance here at Mill Hill School. We spoke to him to find out a bit more about him and his role at Mill Hill School. 

How long have you worked at Mill Hill School?

Almost 20 years! I started in the Autumn term of 2002 as a visiting singing teacher; I then became the Head of Vocal Studies. I took charge over the Chapel Choir in 2010 and I started working here full-time in 2014.

What does your role involve?

I am the Director of Musical Performance. I look after all of the bands, orchestras, choirs and other musical ensembles at the school. I also oversee the running of around 200 weekly music lessons given by our 20 visiting music teachers and grade exams.

Another large part of my role involves arranging music trips, external concerts and tours. Additionally, I organise the provision of music for approximately 250 concerts and services per year. I also teach Academic Music to pupils in Fourth Form to Upper Sixth.

What is your favourite thing at Mill Hill School?

This is an unfair question as there are too many fabulous things to choose from! I would like to mention two things: firstly, my colleagues. I have the pleasure of working with people who are unfailingly kind, hilariously funny, passionate and some of the best communicators of information I have ever met.

Secondly, I feel most at home in the rehearsal room with a group of musicians. I love the process of playing through the music at the start of the session and discovering how much improvement is needed, to 30 or 40 minutes later when everyone has pulled together and the music becomes noticeably better. Being a part of that experience is a brilliant feeling that never diminishes. 

Do you have any advice for our pupils which could help them to get the most out of their time at Mill Hill School?

Do not be concerned with how others perceive you. It is easy to choose not to learn a new skill because you might be bad at it or look foolish. To learn something new, you first have to be awful at it, then just bad at it, until one day, maybe, you are not so bad anymore and you realise how much you’re enjoying it. Worrying about how others see you it only makes the process unenjoyable, or worse, it stops you from taking it up in the first place.

Can you tell us something that we might not know about you?

I have exceptional knowledge of all things Star Trek!

What is your favourite book and film for our pupils and why?

My favourite book is called The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler. When I read it, I felt like I was in a room while a great debate was taking place on the differences between Eastern and Western ways of thinking. It’s an easy-to-read book with some jaw-dropping simple truths.

My favourite film is without a doubt, The Godfather. I can watch this over and over and over again. The story is gripping and the performances are stunning. It’s wonderful!  

Finally, Could you share an inspirational quote with us? How does it inspire you?

“The grass is greener where you water it.” – I adore this quote. To me, it means that if I devote all my focus, passion, and love to my own patch of grass, not only will I have fantastic grass, but I won’t need to keep looking over the fence.