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Jude Guaitamacchi comes to Mill Hill Senior

We are delighted to have had Jude Guaitamacchi come and speak to the Mill Hill School staff on 18 May 2022. Jude is a Trans, Non-binary Public Speaker, Consultant and Model. They have appeared in magazines such as Vogue and was the first non-binary person to represent Harrods for their H beauty campaign. Jude is a role model and advocate of LGBTQIA+ rights. Jude is a PSHE educator and has delivered talks across a number of organisations, including Deloitte and Sony, involving a number of different topics such as self-esteem, eating disorders, body image, peer pressure and bullying.

For Mill Hill School staff, Jude discussed Equality and Diversity with a particular focus on LGBTQIA+.

Jude speaks openly from their own personal experience and the session focused on topics such as the differences between sex and gender, LGBTQIA+ definitions, language and terminology as well as the Equalities Act.

Jude also addressed how members of staff can approach a situation where a young person confides in them about gender identity.

There were also lots of opportunities to ask Jude questions and have an open discussion.

Whilst staff development sessions are optional, Jude was tremendously well received by the Lower Sixth as part of the PSHE programme. As a result, Jude was invited back for staff members as we felt this session would help improve staff confidence when dealing with such matters.

To read more about Jude, check out their website here:
