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This week in Year 1…

This week has been Well Being Week, the children took part in various activities. For example, the children listened to calming music whilst working in the class. They also experienced the calm serenity of the science garden listening to ripples of the pond water and rustling of the leaves. During ‘dots’ mindfulness session with Ms Moir, the children were focusing on their listening skills, and she brought along her magical singing bowl. Year 1 also experienced a Tai Chi session, a graceful form of exercise to relieve stress providing inner peace and calm. Finally, Year 1 had a wonderful picnic lunch under the tent with all the children in Grimsdell, a sense of ‘community’ and ‘togetherness.’


In Geography, the children have been learning to name and locate the seven continents and oceans. They learnt what an equator is and how the equator effects the climate of different countries. They learnt how plastic impacts on the seas and oceans and what can be done to reduce the pollution by following the 3 Rs ( reduce, recycle, reuse). The children created lovely posters to get their message across.