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This week in Year 2…

This week in Year 2, we have continued studying our text ‘Manfish’ by Jennifer Berne. The children began their work on description by sketching a picture of under the water whilst listening to the text description in the story. They thoroughly enjoyed using their artistic skills and imagination to bring their ocean picture to life.

Following this, the children focused as the text was read again and discussed the different descriptive tools the author has used to describe colours, textures and shapes. For example, they identified similes, power of three and this was used for the planning phase. Finally, the children wrote and up levelled a description of under the sea in the style of Jennifer Berne, using the language, style e.g. short/long sentence, simile, power of three, repetition for emphasis, adjectives to describe colour/texture/shape, powerful verbs.

We also welcomed back our art specialist, Maureen Wells who spent time with each class to create some underwater creature pictures using charcoal, inks, and pastels. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning new techniques – drawing with charcoal and blending with pastels. The pictures will be mounted on your child’s learning journal, and some displayed around the school.

Thank you for all your children’s wonderful ocean habitats created as part of our take a closer look homework – they look amazing!