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Year 8 Senior School Transition Day

Year 8 pupils will soon transition to senior school. We want this experience to be smooth and enjoyable. To help us achieve this, Year 8 pupils at Belmont have enjoyed a ‘Transition Event’. 4th Form pupils and staff members from Mill Hill School spoke to Year 8 pupils about life at Mill Hill School and senior school more generally. 

Each of the Mill Hill School pupils delivered a short speech. They spoke about their favourite things at Mill Hill School, concerns that they had before joining the school and their top tips for excelling in senior school. Pupils also enjoyed a Q&A session where the 4th Form pupils answered questions and concerns the Year 8 pupils raised. Mr Selvaraj (Transition Coordinator at Mill Hill School) also explained that his role is to support and guide them in making the transition to Mill Hill School. 

This was a fantastic event which has left Year 8 pupils feeling more excited and prepared for senior school.