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Meet Daniel Bell – South African Men’s Hockey Team Player

To commemorate the start of the Commonwealth Games we hope you enjoy our final interview with South African Men’s Hockey player Daniel Bell. 

What position do you play in the team?

I am a defender. I started off playing as a forward and I have gradually moved backwards throughout my career. 

How did you get into hockey and how long have you been playing?

A friend of mine played hockey and it seemed like fun, so I decided to get involved. I am pleased that I did because hockey has changed my life! I have been on the national team since 2015 and playing hockey for 17 years in total.  

Could you tell us about your training regime?

It is important for us to stay active and keep fit. We do lots of work in the gym to ensure the team is in the best shape possible. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love being with friends. We’ll often go outdoors or grab a coffee together. I also enjoy having time to myself because it is important to recharge after intense periods of training and match play. 

Is this your first visit to the UK and how are you finding London?

This is my second time in the UK. The team and I played in a Pro League game at Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre last month. This was a fantastic experience for the team. It taught us important lessons which have helped us to improve for the Commonwealth Games. 

What would you like to achieve for your team?

During the Olympics, we played well and gathered momentum. I am excited to see what we achieve in the Commonwealth Games. As a team, we have agreed to stay present and take each game as it comes. I would love to win a medal and place amongst the top teams! 

What is your dream?

In my hockey career, I would be thrilled to reach 100-caps and take part in the next Olympics. In general, I want to have a good and happy life surrounded by loved ones. 

Do you have any advice for our pupils, especially those who may want to go into professional sports?

I would advise pupils to follow their hearts and do what they love. If you really want something you will need to work hard for it. Following your passion means you’ll do things you enjoy, and it won’t seem like hard work.

We would like to thank South African Men’s Hockey Team for taking the time to speak with us and wish them luck in the games.