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Old Millhillians Enjoy a Reunion Lunch!

We recently had the pleasure of welcoming back alumni from the classes of 1952, 1962, 1972, 1982, and 1992 for a reunion lunch. It was a very joyful occasion, consisting of a delicious roast dinner as well as plenty of laughter and reminiscing. Our alumni also had the chance to look back at old photographs taken during their school days. Coincidently, our reunion lunch took place on the same day as Foundation Day, and it was lovely to see our community of alumni, staff, pupils, and their families, come together in celebration. A particular highlight was welcoming back Nicholas (class of 1992), who was an organ scholar during his time at school. After Nicholas requested to see the school’s chapel, we had the great delight of listening to him play, ‘God Save The King,’ on the organ. 

We were lucky enough to speak to Nicholas to learn more about him and his school experience, as well as his thoughts on the reunion lunch itself. We discovered Nicholas’s love for playing the organ began at a young age and one of his main motivations for joining Mill Hill School was its brand new organ. Nicholas was offered an organ scholarship during Fifth Form as the school, and he often played during chapel services.  

We were thrilled to hear that Nicholas has continued with his passion for music, working at the Royal College of Music, as well as regularly playing the organ and even getting to take his talent around the world. We asked Nicholas to share his highlight from the day, and he said, “seeing the chapel was a really special moment, as it brought back many fond memories of playing during chapel services.” He also told us excited to “see friends [he] hadn’t seen for over 30 years,” as well as seeing a “whole range of generations coming together” as part of Foundation Day.  

We are always grateful to have the chance to catch up with our alumni and find out about what they have gone onto achieve. It is especially wonderful to learn that many of our alumni’s passions which were inspired at the school have shaped their adulthood. We are looking forward to welcoming back even more of our alumni at future events.