Another incredible week in Reception!
This week we have been learning how to sit on the carpet with our eyes looking at who is talking, ears listening, lips closed, and legs crossed. This has really helped us listen to our teachers and to our new friends in our classrooms. We have continued to have lots of firsts, first phonics, first maths and first visit to the library!
We have continued to learn all about us, what we like and don’t like, things that are the same and different and what we all look like. We have made our own self-portraits of our faces and the features. Next week we will learn about our families and what is the same and different about our homes.
We began phonics by listening to environmental sounds and going on a sound walk around the school, we also listened to instrumental sounds by guessing the instrument played, rhyming words through stories and games and blending words together like a robot.
In maths we have looked at subitising. Subitising is where we look at a selection of items or dots and say the number without counting. We played lots of games and had lots of activities in the classroom to extend our learning while we choose.