This week in Reception we have been welcoming in our lovely families as we continue to learn about ourselves and our friends. Thank you to all the lovely grown-ups who have come in to see us already, we will continue to welcome you in when you are free over the next few weeks. Please see available times on Tapestry. Another big thank you to Mrs Mosafi and Mrs Herbert for coming in to speak with Reception about Rosh Hashanah. The children really enjoyed it and we hope you had a happy healthy new year.
We have drawn pictures and made pebble pictures of our families, including our pets! It has been so lovely to hear about all the great things you enjoy doing together. Maps of our hearts were a creation made by all this week and it was so nice to know all the things the children love.
We even started phonics this week and learnt the sounds p,a,t,i. We played many games to help recognise these letters and found objects and pictures with these sounds. Popping bubbles with our own bubble wands for the sound p, weaving apples for the sound a, tapping for treasure for the sound t and catching insects for the sound i. You can revisit these sounds at home using your sound cards and the reading mat sent home.
In Maths we continue to recognise numbers to 10. This week we explored number 2, what do we have 2 of, how to count out 2, finding 2 shown in different ways and showing 2 on a number line. We also worked on subitising numbers to 6 and looking at more and less when exploring larger numbers.