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This week in Year 1…

This week the children looked forward to our art sessions with the art specialist Mrs Wells. The children painted an elephant using ink, pen and wax resist to create the skin texture. They then collaged a colourful elephant blanket. After this, the artwork was set on an Indian landscape.

In literacy, we have been learning to recognise features of a letter. The children wrote a letter to Grandpa Jivan to thank him for the book and to reassure him that the children will look after his suitcase. The children have also begun to learn some facts about India sharing this with each other, e.g Capital of India and the special rivers called the Ganges.

In Phonics, the children have been recapping the single sounds and this week they have been focusing on ‘ear’, ‘j’ ‘ow’( town and owl ) and ‘ur’(church and burn ). They looked at words containing these phonemes and digraphs. Rainbow words this week were ‘of’ and ‘to’.

In maths, the children have been finding patterns in numbers and the working towards the conversation of numbers to 10. They have also been subitising familiar patterns using dice and dominos.