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This week in Year 1…

This week in Year 1 we have learned about the life of an Indian girl called Geeta who lives in a small village in the Indian state of Orissa called Janla. From the book Geeta’s Story, we compared her daily routines to ours and found out that there were some differences.

In Literacy this week, the children have been learning how to write a diary. They learnt to write in the first person ‘I’ and in the past tense. They wrote about the different parts of their day throughout the week and considered how it compares to Geeta’s day.

In Phonics, this week the children have been focusing on ‘y’, ‘oi’ ‘z’ and ‘v’ They looked at words containing these phonemes and digraphs. Rainbow words this week were: ‘my’ and ‘I’.

In Maths, this week the children have been learning to explore one more and one less to a given number. They continued to explore the conservation of numbers whilst comparing the amounts and rehearsing their subitising skills. They used the language of comparison such as more, fewer, less and equal to a set of objects.

In Science, the children have been learning about bodies with the question, ‘What do we use our bodies for?’ The children worked in pairs to generate ideas and shared them with the rest of the class. They realised we do a lot with our bodies consciously and unconsciously. We then discussed the different parts that make up our body and as a follow-up activity, the children drew a body and labelled the parts.

This week in handwriting the children have been recapping the animal families of Georgia, Harriett and Rupert and their letter starting shapes. This week we have introduced Rupert’s cousin Zack the sheep and his starting shape.