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Lord Mayor’s Cadet Music Competition 

On Sunday 25 September, the Corps of Drums took part in the Lord Mayor’s Cadet Music Competition at the Guildhall in Central London. The event took place in front of numerous dignitaries including The Representative Lord Mayor Sir Andrew Parmley, the Director of the London Symphony Orchestra Kathryn McDowell, Deputy Lieutenant of Barnet Martin Russell, The Bugle Major of the Royal Marines WO1 Phill Hawkins, The Senior Drum Major of the British Army WO1 James Bennett and Col. Cadets Ian Denison. 

Ably led by Drum Major Stas F, the Corps of Drums performed magnificently and won the competition with a unanimous decision from judges. They surpassed the required standard and were worthy of the award. Alexander H, who played a beautiful note-perfect rendition of The Assembly, The Last Post and Reveille won the solo bugler category. Irrespective of playing ability, the Last Post is an extremely difficult piece to play as it is so well known and has to be played with emotion. The organiser, Tony Pringle, said it was the best bugle performance he had ever heard in any of the competitions and the Royal Marines Bugle Major, the judge for the competition, said that Alexander is of professional standard and hinted that he would be welcome in any military band!  

With some new recruits, and both the Drum Major and Bass Drummer, Leni C in new roles, the standard of performance is incredibly high for such an early point in the year. Under Stas’s leadership, the Corps of Drums is on track for a very successful year.