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This week in Music…

We’ve had a fabulously dotty week in Music with the return of the wonderful ‘Musical Dots’!

The children have been using their Forte (loud), Pianissimo (very quiet), Staccato (detached), Legato (smooth) and Harmony voices. Reception and Year 1 went on a superfood adventure, and after eating their favourite fruits and vegetables they turned into superheroes singing and dancing with such confidence and style to the “Superfoods” song. Their commitment and passion were a joy to watch.

Year 2 visited the different families of the orchestra. ‘The Dots’ set the children challenges to complete to unlock entry to Pianissimo’s listening teepee. They listened to different instruments to decide which family they belonged to, then learnt the secret language of music using a larger-than-life music stave marked out on the floor. The children become the notes on the stave and enjoyed moving around to create their own tunes.

After completing the challenges, our music detectives finished off the session with a relaxing visit to the listening teepee. The children zipped themselves inside their imaginary teepees chanting the words, ‘Feel, Imagine, Hear’. They closed their eyes and listened to a piece of music thinking about how it made them feel, what they could imagine happening and whether they could recognise any instruments (hear). The children were incredibly focused and impressed me with their intelligent and thoughtful responses.

A huge thank you to Meg and Anna for bringing the joy of Musical Dots to Grimsdell, the children love it and had a brilliant time with you this week.