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Anti-Bullying Week

Monday began with ‘Odd Socks Day’ because this week has been Anti-bullying Week and we have spent time talking about the importance of seeking help. The theme of this national awareness week was ‘Reach Out’. In Chapel and PSHE lessons we discussed how bullying affects millions of lives, leaving us feeling hopeless. But if we challenge it, we can change it and reaching out is the first step.

It is important that we understand that bullying is when the intentional hurting is repetitive. It can happen face to face or online. In Chapel, I had a team of Year 7s and 8s supporting me with some drama, acting out different scenarios at school, where it would be difficult to reach out for help but ultimately the right decision. We talked about how teachers understand that pupils don’t always feel confident speaking out against their peers and we thought about other ways to reach out. The best way sometimes being talking to a friend and the friend making the first steps for you.

We want Belmont to be a safe, kind school where pupils can express themselves and not be afraid to be themselves.

We want pupils to know that when they raise concerns about bullying, they will be listened to, and they will be heard. Pupils can reach out by asking to speak to their Form Tutor, Head of Year or any teacher in the school. I am here for the pupils as Head of Wellbeing. If pupils prefer, they can reach out by emailing wellbeing@belmontprep.org.uk

Mrs L Russo
Assistant Head, Wellbeing