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This week in Reception…

A shocking week in Reception! We started off our first day back having our snack stolen from our classrooms. The milk and crackers were there but the fruit was gone, and some muddy footprints were left. Who could these muddy footprints belong to? Even Maggie was shocked to find the snack she made us had been taken, luckily, she had spare. We spent the day thinking who it could be and drawing pictures. You thought it could be a wolf, a bear, a lion, a gorilla, a unicorn or even Holly the dog! In the afternoon we had our first Early Years assembly which came with a special delivery all the way from India. We opened the box to find lots of different things sent from India, a diva lamp, a sari, a dhoti, a book about Diwali a tiger and a book called ‘Monkey, a trickster tale from India’. We then realised it must have been that cheeky monkey who stole our snack as he liked to eat the mangos! He must have not realised our snack was apples!

In our classes we started to think about what we wanted to know about India, we made a list of questions for us to answer over the next few weeks. The children thought of questions like ‘What animals are there in India?’ ‘What clothes do people wear?’ ‘Is there a jungle?’ and many more that we can’t wait to explore. We enjoyed celebrating more of Diwali, painting divas, fireworks and rangoli patterns.

We also had a visit from Miss Christina who taught us about putting smiles in our tummies and sunshine in our brains. We learnt about superheroes and how they are super-selfers and you can all be super-selfers too! We will continue to learn about Thrive in 5 and how to begin to choose our own stories.