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This week in Nursery…

What a lovely week in Nursery.

We started the week off by receiving a wonderful delivery. We are still not sure who sent us the delivery however inside was some interesting objects. We found an Indian flag, a tiger non-fiction book, the tiger who came to tea story and teddy and a beautiful Indian elephant tapestry.

We then used the objects to direct our learning this week. We read the story ‘The tiger who came to tea’ and then painted our own tigers. Although we didn’t have any orange paint, so the children had to make their own orange. They used their knowledge of colour mixing to mix red and yellow and they all made some wonderful variations of the colour orange.

The children also showed great language and communication skills to re-tell the story of ‘The tiger who came to tea’. They remembered many different parts of the story and could re-tell what had happened without using the book for support.

The children have been playing with tea pots and jugs in the water tray. We discussed that they were fragile, and we needed to take great care of them. We then added real tea bags and tea leaves for the children to smell and observe how the tea changes the colour of the water.

We used tigers as our focus for comparison and classification this week too. The children looked at big cats and domestic cats and sorted and organised them by their different properties.

Today we had a fantastic Funday Friday as we had a wonderful tea party. The children all made their own sandwiches and then we had a tea party with juice, fruit and a special tiger guest.