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This week in Nursery…

What a wonderfully wet week in Nursery. The wet weather hasn’t stopped us from playing and exploring inside and out.

This week we have been looking at the story ‘Elmer’ by David McKee. We have used this story to talk about how wonderful it is that we are all unique. The children have been creating their own Elmer’s with paint, using spotty stickers and adding patterns.

As part of Anti-bullying Week, we have been talking about kind and unkind behaviour and ensuring we always use our words and if a friend is doing something we do not like we say ‘Stop! I don’t like that’. The children have been really responsive to this and have been receiving smileys for using their words effectively.

Through this topic we have had further discussions about what it means to be a good friend. The children all chose a friend from school and used the iPad to take photos of them. We definitely have some budding photographers in our class. Please note that all the photos of Nursery in this week’s Newsletter are taken by the children.

Using the story ‘Elmer’ we have also been exploring colour. The children have been playing some colour matching games and they went on a wet colour hunt outside in the playground.