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National Tree Week 2022

Dr Mahlmeister’s tutor group delivered the tutorial this week on the theme of trees. National Tree Week is the UK’s largest annual tree celebration. Each year, the country’s conservation sector, volunteer groups and tree-lovers come together to plant thousands of trees to mark the start of the tree planting season. National Tree Week 2022 takes place from 26 November – 4 December 2022.

Trees are heroes of nature. They sustain wildlife, create oxygen, purify our air and are absolutely beautiful. National Tree Week is the perfect time to celebrate our trees and remind everyone about all they do. After all, learning more about all the incredible things trees do is an important first step on our journey to a tree-filled future.

In assembly, pupils spoke about the symbolic trees of their nation or region. Examples such as the oak, the cyprus and the birch were described and discussed.

Our newly established house for MHI day pupils is named Oak inspired by our own two majestic oak trees. They dominate the landscape of Mill Hill International and represent its roots and its history. In the 18th century, the tree in the picture above was a signpost for cattle drovers from Wales on their way to London’s Smithfield market. Some years ago, this tree was also registered as a Veteran tree, a tree that has developed some features found on ancient trees and that provides holes, cavities, and crevices for wildlife.

Trees are symbols of strength and resilience.