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Fifth Form A Level Taster Morning!

Our Fifth Form pupils have enjoyed an ‘A Level taster morning’ this week! The event started with a talk from Mr Barron (Assistant Head, Sixth Form), who set the scene for the day, highlighting the importance of engaging fully in the taster lessons to help confirm their A Level subject choices.

Next, pupils took part in four lessons throughout the morning. The sessions provided pupils with a flavour of different A Level courses at Mill Hill and helped them to identify the subjects they are most passionate about. Our teachers were impressed with the levels of engagement and enthusiasm demonstrated by the Fifth Form and are confident that this event will help them make informed choices about which A Level subjects best suit their interests, skills and aspirations.

The taster day, combined with discussions with their personal tutor and subject teachers over the coming days, will hopefully allow all pupils to make a final decision before 17 January deadline.