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Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

27 January marks Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). On this day, we remember the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust, along with the millions of other people who lost their lives through Nazi persecution of other groups, and in those more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. On this day, we learn more about the past so action can be taken for a better future. 

‘Ordinary People’ is the theme for this year. Highlighting the ordinary people involved in the genocide, including bystanders, preparators and those who were persecuted. This theme will also help us to consider how ordinary people can help challenge prejudice today. 

At School, we had a Chapel service in which Mr Traeger (Teacher of History and Politics) spoke about the lives of Walter Rosenberg and Fred Wetzler. The two men escaped from Auschwitz. Whilst in the concentration camp, Rosenberg kept a record of everything he saw in the hopes that one day he could tell the world of the injustice in the camp. The information provided by Rosenberg and Wetzler eventually reached leading figures such as Churchill, Roosevelt and the Pope and helped save 200,000 Jewish lives.

Please watch this video for an insight into the service.